I was standing in Oxford Circus when I realised:
One day, I will never be standing in Oxford Circus ever again.
That today might be the last time
Or there could be many more times
But there will be a last time.
There always will be.
A day will come like any other
But it’ll be the day you exist for the last time.
Old or young.
Morning or night.
The last time.
And that’s it.
When that day arrives
Will anyone miss me?
Will anyone not miss me?
Will anyone keep my secrets?
Will anyone share my secrets?
Will there be people who never told me that they love me?
Maybe not.
Maybe that’s wishful thinking.
But there will be people I love that I haven’t told.
There will be things I haven’t done.
Things I haven’t achieved.
But that won’t matter.
Because Oxford Circus will be the same.
Life in Oxford Circus will be the same.
The world will move on but not me.
I’ll be fixed at zero until the end of time.